Wednesday 27 July 2011

This was on my first day on the job.

Nancy: Good Morning, Parking Department.
Out-of-breath-man (25 years): Hello! Hello!?
Nancy: Hi. How can I help you?
(25): Oh-thank-god! Okay. I need you to do me the biggest favour….would you?
Nancy: Sure. What is it?
(25): Okay, so the parking garage on Victoria and London St…that yours right?
Nancy. Yepp. That’ s city owned.
(25): Right. Great, okay, so if you could give me the number of the gate keeper there, the ticket guy, whoever’s at the front beam there at the gate.
Nancy: I can’t do that, sorry- we don’t give out internal numbers….. but I can pass on a message to the garage if that helps?
(25): Damn. Okay, that would be great. Can you ask him to store something for me that I left there today? It’s on the second floor in the east corner.
Nancy: Sure, what is he looking for?
(25): 25 litres of maple syrup. I’ll pick them up in the morning.
Nancy: ……Okay. I’ll…let him know.
(25): Thanks, that’s great. Bye.
*hangs up*

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